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The following is a list of health insurance requirements that must be prepared

Health insurance is very important to you right now, why? Because talking about health problems is a factor that we must pay maximum attention to in order to achieve comfort and joy in our lives. Of course, everyone always wants to be healthy, but that is impossible because everyone has mild or severe illnesses. 

The disease can occur anytime and anywhere, as long as it doesn't threaten us in the first place, and most importantly, whether we have money or not, the pain doesn't recognize our circumstances, and hospital treatment costs a lot of money, so we recommend it. get over it. health insurance so that if we get sick, both severe and mild, we are ready and safe, at least in terms of care and medical expenses.

Types of health insurance available
Currently there are two types of insurance in Indonesia: the first is recommended by the government, which can be said to be mandatory for all Indonesian citizens; this insurance is called JKN or KIS, and the second health insurance is called health insurance. Provided by the private sector, the difference is only in administration. In fact, some are run by the state, some are run by the private sector.

Once insured, you already have open access health insurance so we are prepared with health insurance for the whole family, at least for us parents, to cover medical expenses if you get sick. Members who will survive in the future. So you have nothing to lose by getting good government and private sector regulated health insurance, and the same goes for you

The following is a list of health insurance requirements that must be prepared

What to pay attention to when applying for health insurance

If you do not have health insurance and wish to apply immediately, you must bring the following documents with you:
  • KTP can also be in the form of KTP or SIM and Passport
  • Family card complete with a photocopy
  • A wedding book when you are married
  • Child birth certificate
  • 4 passport photos 3x4

Now the five requirements above are very mandatory documents that must be brought to the notary when registering for private or public health insurance, because without these five documents you cannot get insurance, so you need to prepare them. documents so that everything goes smoothly after registration.

Since the pandemic can also be registered online, but requires a person with little technical knowledge, online registration does not require an office or queue number. , if you just understand that the internet world alone is enough, if you just want to register online, you need to prepare several different requirements.

How to get health insurance online

If you want to apply online, you will need to prepare a few things. Then you need to prepare the accompanying documents. Below are the steps you need to follow:

1. Always carry ID, e.g. for example KTP, SIM, NPWP
This ID card is very important and mandatory for all families who already have an ID card.

2. Email active email address and active mobile number for verification
Various messages are then sent via e-mail, e.g. B. Links and Questions You Can Answer.

3. Open the insurance company's website
Ask the clerk for an address or web link

4. Complete the form without missing anything
To get more complete data, it must be filled in correctly without anything missing, because it will affect the next step.

5. Select a rate
Choose the rate that suits your goals and needs

An important point for those looking to purchase a health insurance plan online or online: If you have health insurance, make a down payment through your bank. Bring a copy of the line registration mark.

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